We launched an interactive B2C platform for international brand customers, and solved the following challenges: ➀ Created an original concept for the platform; ➁ Developed interactive ideas and contest mechanics that are interesting for the platform users — interactive interviews, digests, games with non-standard mechanics, and more; ➂ Developed a content plan; ➃ Developed a program to increase brand loyalty within the platform; ➄ Launched the digital platform and are actively developing it.
We also developed landing pages for each product describing its main features and benefits.
Average time on site in 2023 compared to 2022 increased by 17% to 02:32. ER — the percentage of site users who interacted with content — 81%.
The number of sessions in 2023 was 121,000, page views — 387,000. Users visit an average of 4 pages per visit. The number of users visiting the platform repeatedly increased by 12%.